I did not plan on a second consecutive article concerning wall decorations when considering what to feature on this entry for 07JUL2022. As I sat in a favorite bakery in downtown West Monroe, I was captivated by the decor. Nothing in particular grabbed my attention, but the whole scene got me to thinking about why were certain things chosen to hang on the walls. In the process of figuring out what kind of shots might come from this setting, I just decided to snap a few pics and see what would come out in the wash. It wasn’t until the next morning (full disclosure: I’m writing the entry for 07JUL2022 over breakfast the next day) this particular frame stood out for more unpacking.
An upright bass and a vintage poster for Delta Air Lines. What in the world might they have to do with each other and why would they be featured prominently on the wall of a small business? Well, I wish I knew. But I don’t know. And that, friends, is the thought for the day.
While it is fun to sit around and conjure up what might be the meaning behind the placement of the objects (and, who knows, the whole point of the scene might just be to give people something upon which to ponder) I cannot help but think part of the challenge of contemporary discourse in our society is that we just make a whole lot of assumptions without simply taking the time to ask those involved to help resolve any ambiguity we might have about a scene or situation.
Think about it - how often is it we deal with situations where if people had just asked us for clarification or an explanation it might have saved a lot of time and heartache on all involved? Also, imagine what might be possible if we took the time to explain to others what hangs on the walls of our life and in the process strengthen our bonds with the ‘other.’
Grace and Peace, Lamar
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