Looking out from the southern rim of Mt. Nebo, AR (28JUN2022)

What happens when 25 years after your first full-time ministry position and 21 years of pastoral ministry you take a leave of absence for no other reason than to “come up for air?”

Well, that’s a good question, and one I’ve been pondering since reaching the decision in late February of this year to leave a place I loved and people I loved after three years of some of the greatest joys I’ve ever known in vocational ministry. In conversations I had with trusted friends and advisors while making this decision, and many more friends and colleagues in the aftermath, one thing kept coming to the front more than anything else - I was committed to rediscovering and developing more intentionally two great passions of mine: Writing and Photography.

Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers, one of the most memorable books I’ve ever consumed, made famous the idea that to achieve greatness in any field required 10,000 hours of dedicated, intentional practice. Some have asked me over the last few months if I was looking to make a career change, and if so, would it be photography. I’m loathe to take something I enjoy so much as a hobby and turn it into a job, but I have always wanted to hone further my photographical skills - so one of my goals for this leave of absence is to take at least 50 shots a day. 50 shots of what? I have no idea. My favorite subjects are my family and friends, but no matter the environment of a given day, 50 shots will allow me the opportunity to learn a great deal not only about my photography but also what it is that I see.

Along with photography, I hope and pray during this time on leave to re-discover and reconnect with my love for writing. For many years starting in 2006, in addition to weekly sermons and other addresses, I wrote columns for weekly emails and monthly newsletters. When COVID-19 hit in 2020, I turned to writing (and videoing) messages to the people of my congregation 4-5 times a week. In March of 2021, I hit a wall and did not consistently write again until starting this project. The goal is to tie together a photo from the day with some sort of meaningful reflection either on the picture of the day or something that came to mind during the day.

“OK, so why a website for this?” Well, a couple of reasons. 1) So many friends and family have encouraged me when I told them about this project that I wanted to honor their support by sharing this with them. 2) To establish an archive of this work for my own personal reflection and for my children to explore as they get older as a way to learn more about their daddy. 3) As a way to celebrate my personal growth and transformation during this time on leave.

Thank you for joining me on this journey! I hope and pray you will will be blessed by time you spend with me on this project. I would be honored if you would leave a comment so this might be a collaborative journey. I’ll be sharing each day’s entry on Facebook & Instagram with the hashtag #50ShotsADay. Also be on the lookout for a way to join the email list so you get each entry delivered to your inbox as soon as it is posted.

Grace and Peace,

NOTE: P.S. added 01JUL2022

P.S. Thank you for taking time to read this post. If you have found it helpful in any way, or think it might help others in your sphere of influence, please be sure to use the ‘Share’ buttons to pass it along via your online community.
